Charlotte Property Work Programs

Charlotte Gold Exploration Programs

Charlotte Exploration Objectives:


  • Discovery of new epithermal vein sets in under-explored areas of the Charlotte property
  • Determine the linkage between epithermal veins and the late Cretaceous intrusive centre in the north part of the property.
  • Investigate surface expression of suspected structural controls on soil anomalism.


The main target model was epithermal mineralization similar to the Flex zone, and which commonly occurs in peripheral areas to porphyry systems, although all mineralized settings were considered.


The two-phase work program was conducted over a 30-day period and comprised a 14-day program of detailed geological mapping, prospecting and rock sampling with particular focus on the under-explored central-northern part of the property. This was followed by an 18-day phase of grid soil geochemical sampling across four grids: the Discovery, Eliza West, GRW and Ed F grids.  A ground magnetometer – VLF survey was also completed across the four grids. The program was conducted from the Charlotte exploration camp adjacent to the Flex Zone.


The high-priority targets were selected after analysis of an extensive historical dataset within the underexplored regions of the Charlotte property. The Discovery, Eliza West and GRW grids were designed to determine the presence of soil geochemical signatures representing epithermal mineralization related to mineralized porphyry systems. The Ed F grid was designed to complete detailed soil geochemical surveying across the Ed F claim, staked and incorporated into the Charlotte property in February, 2023. Geological mapping and rock sampling were designed to confirm that the property covers portions of a porphyry-style mineralized system covering the highly prospective Mt. Nansen area.  Mapping initially focused on the four gridded areas but was expanded to cover the entire property.


Rock sampling comprised mainly grab and composite grab sampling along rubble-crop exposures, roadcuts and trenches. A total of 79 samples, excluding quality control (QC) samples, were taken.


Grid soil geochemical sampling, targeting the “B” soil horizon, was completed across the four grids, utilizing a 50-metre line spacing and 20-metre station spacing. Soil samples were obtained using hand augers or hand trowels. The total number of soil samples taken, excluding duplicates and QC samples, was 1,693. Sampling was done on a line-by-line basis, with unsampled locations due to permafrost or significantly disturbed sites from historical trenching.


All samples were shipped to MSA Labs of Langley, B.C. for which results are pending.

Rock Samples:


Significant polymetallic assay results including some high-grade silver results from grab samples* in previously under-explored areas, including:


  • 4,204 ppm Ag, 18.5 ppm Au, 5,264ppm Cu & 5,409ppm Zn from sample C0216031: Ed Grid
  • 832 ppm Ag, 13.8 ppm Au from sample C0216038: Cabin Area west of Flex Zone
  • 815 ppm Ag, 0.8 ppm Au, 890ppm Cu, 2905ppm Pb, 1013ppm Zn from sample C0216116: East of Ed Grid


A table of significant rock grab sample results is shown below in Table 1. Note the ED area is a new claim staked in the winter of 2023 and these results presented here represent the first attempt to map and prospect the area. The best silver result was returned from the Ed claim and represents a quartz vein with semi-massive sulphides believed to be in-situ. A map showing rock sample locations is included below (Figure 1). Gold results are shown on Figure 2.




Table 1: Significant rock grab samples

SampleID Easting Northing Lithology Ag_g/t Au_ppm Cu_ppm Pb_ppm Zn_ppm Target Area
C0216031 386904 6882612 Quartz vein with semi-massive sulphides 4204.0 18.5 5264.6 100.1 5409.0 Ed
C0216038 386173 6881598 Strongly oxidized quartz feldspar porphyry; green staining 832.0 13.8 544.1 100.1 262.0 Cabin
C0216116 387707 6882840 Quartz with coarse grained stibnite in quartz eye rhyolite 815.0 0.8 890.0 2905.9 1013.0 East of Ed
C0216025 387676 6882817 Strongly silicified and veined quartz feldspar porphyry, vuggy scorodite 591.0 10.2 1317.5 100.1 100.1 East of Ed
C0216039 386208 6881567 Oxidized grey quartz vein 523.0 3.2 118.0 5282.4 936.0 Cabin
C0216103 385581 6884161 Sulfide quartz vein in metasediments 480.0 0.3 395.6 100.1 100.1 Discovery
C0216119 388467 6884705 Quartz diorite w/ quartz veining with abundant vugs suggesting abundant sulfides 367.0 3.2 105.7 6955.7 275.0 SE of GRW
C0216114 387378 6882618 Quartz flooding or veining in quartz eye rhyolite 339.0 1.3 433.1 3751.0 2633.0 East of Ed
C0216036 386073 6881709 Chalcedonic quartz vein exposed over 20cm across 237.0 3.5 524.3 1950.7 1961.0 Cabin
C0216035 386062 6881726 Quartz sulphide vein, with semi-massive bladed antimony crystals, also fine disseminated sulphide 200.0 2.2 367.0 776.6 1891.0 Cabin
C0216124 385968 6881649 Quartz with pyrite, stibnite, arsenopyrite in quartz eye rhyolite 190.0 2.5 305.3 1899.6 1032.0 Cabin
C0216033 386908 6882471 Layered & vuggy quartz vein intercalated with solid grey-white quartz vein 152.0 1.2 373.4 100.1 439.0 Ed

Map coordinates in NAD 83, UTM Zone 8N

Sample C0216031: Quartz vein with semi-massive sulphides from Ed grid: 4,204 g/t silver & 18.5 ppm Au

Sample C0216025: Strongly silicified and veined quartz feldspar porphyry with vuggy scorodite from east of Ed
grid: 591 g/t silver & 10.2 ppm Au


Charlotte 2023 Exploration Objectives:

  • Discovery of new epithermal vein sets in under-explored areas of the Charlotte property
  • Determine the linkage between epithermal veins and the late Cretaceous intrusive centre in the north part of the property.
  • Investigate surface expression of suspected structural controls on soil anomalism.


The main target model was epithermal mineralization similar to the Flex zone, and which commonly occurs in peripheral areas to porphyry systems, although all mineralized settings were considered.


The two-phase work program was conducted over a 30-day period and comprised a 14-day program of detailed geological mapping, prospecting and rock sampling with particular focus on the under-explored central-northern part of the property. This was followed by an 18-day phase of grid soil geochemical sampling across four grids: the Discovery, Eliza West, GRW and Ed grids.  A ground magnetometer – VLF survey was also completed across the four grids. The program was conducted from the Charlotte exploration camp adjacent to the Flex Zone.


The high-priority targets were selected after analysis of an extensive historical dataset within the underexplored regions of the Charlotte property. The Discovery, Eliza West and GRW grids were designed to determine the presence of soil geochemical signatures representing epithermal mineralization related to mineralized porphyry systems. The Ed grid was designed to complete detailed soil geochemical surveying across the Ed F quartz claim, staked and incorporated into the Charlotte property in February 2023. Geological mapping and rock sampling were designed to confirm that the property covers portions of a porphyry-style mineralized system covering the highly prospective Mt. Nansen area.  Mapping initially focused on the four gridded areas but was expanded to cover the entire property. Rock sampling comprised mainly grab and composite grab sampling along rubble-crop exposures, roadcuts and trenches. A total of 79 samples, excluding quality control (QC) samples, were taken.


Grid soil geochemical sampling, targeting the “B” soil horizon, was completed across the four grids, utilizing a 50-metre line spacing and 20-metre station spacing. Soil samples were obtained using hand augers or hand trowels. The total number of soil samples taken, excluding duplicates and QC samples, was 1,693. Sampling was done on a line-by-line basis, with unsampled locations due to permafrost or significantly disturbed sites from historical trenching.


All samples were shipped to MSA Labs of Langley, B.C. for which all results have now been received. Rock results are disclosed in this release. Soil and ground geophysical results are expected shortly.

Figure 1: Charlotte Property claim boundary showing the 2023 rock sample locations.


Figure 2: Gold values from 2023 rock samples


Quality Assurance and Quality Control

All sample assay results have been monitored through the Company’s quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) program and there were no significant failures noted. In addition, MSA Labs also has a rigorous internal QA/QC program including the insertion of duplicates, standards and blanks into the sample stream.

Field protocols included:

  • For rock sampling, one “standard reference material” (SRM) sample was placed into the sample stream per every 10 samples. These comprise one “standard” sample with “Certified Values” of select elements per 20 samples, alternating with one “blank” sample having a very low Certified Value, also per 20 samples. The “standard” material inserted was “CDN-GS-P8K” and “CDN-ME-2003”, provided by CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd (CDN), and having certified values of 0.829 g/t Au and 8.1 g/t Ag; and 1.301 g/t Au and 108 g/t Ag, respectively. The “blank” sample inserted was “CDN-BL-10”, also provided by CDN, with Certified Values of <0.01 g/t Au and <0.5 g/t Ag.

UTM coordinates of sample locations were recorded using a handheld Garmin GPS device. Rock samples were recorded in the field either by hand-written entries in field books or by entries into CT3 or CT5 hand-held navigation and recording devices. Descriptions were transferred to Excel spreadsheet format and paired with analytical results when available.

Rock samples were described by industry standard parameters, including Sample ID, UTM (NAD 83, Zone 8) coordinates, elevation (m), sample type (grab, composite grab), sample description (outcrop, rubblecrop, float), etc. Soil sample parameters included: Sample ID, UTM (NAD 83, Zone 8) coordinates, depth, horizon, etc.

Rock samples collected in the field were placed in polyethylene bags with a unique Sample ID tag and sealed with a cable tie. A photograph was taken of the sample on-site. Samples were placed in rice bags, with the Sample IDs written on the rice bag. Each bag was sealed with a security tag having a unique ID number. A Sample Submission Form (SSF) was placed in either the first bag or last bag of the sample shipment

Rock samples were truck-hauled by Aurora personnel from camp to their secure Whitehorse facility, before being shipped by bonded transport to MSA Labs of Langley, B.C. MSA Labs has both ISO 17025 (Testing and Calibration Laboratories) and ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems) accreditation.

Rock samples underwent a dry crush whereby 70% of the sample passed through a 2 mm mesh, followed by splitting of a 250 g subsample which was then pulverized so that 85% passed through a 75 µm screen (code PRP-910).  The samples then underwent “true aqua regia” digestion and multi-element ICP-MS and ICP-ES analysis of a 20g sample (IMS-128; or IMS-127 for a several samples using 0.5g sample). A total of 39 elements were analyzed: including Ag, As, Au, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mo, Pb, Sb, and Zn. Overlimits for gold were to undergo gravimetric analysis of a 30-gram sample, providing a detection range of 0.9 to 10,000 ppm (code FAS-415). Overlimits for silver were to undergo gravimetric analysis of a 30-gram sample, providing a detection range of 50 to 10,000 ppm (code FAS-418). Overlimits for Pb or Zn were to undergo ICP-ES analysis (code ICA-6xx), providing a detection range of 0.001-5% Pb and 0.001-2% Zn.

Instructions were made to return pulps to Aurora and to dispose of rejects after 90 days.

* The reader is cautioned that grab samples by nature are selective and therefore may not be representative of the mineralization being sampled.
